Learn about our teen drug and alcohol rehab services, dedicated to supporting teens in their recovery from substance use disorders, especially during the holiday season.
Since 1989, Odyssey House has been a cornerstone of youth rehabilitation. This treatment facility serves teens from 13 to 17 years old, offering a structured program where residents stay for 90 to 120 days. During their time at Odyssey House, teens work closely with therapists, supportive staff, and peers to overcome drug addiction, achieve sobriety, and regain control of their lives.
Located in Houston, TX the Odyssey House is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Frequently Asked Questions About Odyssey House:
Q: What makes Odyssey House unique in helping adolescents recover from substance use disorder?
A: Cenikor is one of the leading facilities in Texas, offering a comprehensive continuum of care to our clients. This approach ensures that support continues even after the completion of our programs, fostering lasting change in the lives of adolescents.
Q: How does the program support teens during the holidays?
A: During the holidays, we understand that teens may wish to be with their families to celebrate traditions. At Cenikor, we step in as an extended family by providing opportunities for teens to celebrate together in the facility, through activities like games, gifts, and family dinners. We also organize inclusive holiday gatherings to foster a sense of community, helping teens feel connected and supported during a time that can be challenging.
Q: What types of treatment and therapies are offered specifically for adolescents?
A: Our adolescent clients participate in group therapy, including Psychosocial, Alternative, and Process Groups, in combination with individual therapy. This holistic approach helps teens process emotions, particularly around the holidays or changes in their family dynamics. Our counselors create a supportive space for teens, promoting emotional growth and understanding.
Emotional Reassurance:
Q: How do you help teens feel safe and supported when entering treatment?
A: Cenikor offers a safe and supportive community where teens receive professional care from medical, clinical, and administrative staff. This network of support encourages adolescents to embark on their recovery journey, knowing they are not alone.
Q: What resources are available for parents to stay involved in their child’s recovery journey?
A: Parents receive regular updates on their child’s progress and are provided with tools to continue supporting their teen’s recovery at home. This collaboration strengthens the family’s ability to assist in the long-term development of their teen.
Q: How does the facility create a sense of community and belonging during the holiday season?
A: Cenikor works to create a strong sense of community, offering a variety of holiday activities, crafts, and events. These efforts help teens build relationships and feel part of something larger than themselves, especially during the holidays.
Impact of Timing:
Q: How can seeking treatment now help set teens up for a fresh start in the new year?
A: Seeking treatment during this stage of life can provide adolescents with a new perspective and the tools they need for positive development. The start of a new year offers an opportunity for a fresh beginning in their recovery journey.
Q: What role do holidays play in reinforcing the need for a supportive recovery environment?
A: The holidays can be a difficult time for teens facing substance use disorder issues. By providing a supportive, safe environment during this period, Cenikor ensures that teens have the necessary resources to heal, while still participating in the spirit of the season.
Success Stories:
Q: Can you share a success story of a teen who turned their life around through this program?
A: Cenikor’s success stories are visible through the painted handprints on our Wall of Success, each representing a client who has completed our program. These handprints carry messages of transformation, highlighting the positive impact our program has on teens’ lives. We also have success stories on our website that we can share upon request.
Q: What advice do you have for parents considering treatment for their teen?
A: The benefits of treatment begin as soon as teens enter the program. We encourage parents to visit our facility, take a tour, or meet with our outreach manager to understand how we can support their child’s development during this crucial stage.
Discover How Odyssey House Can Transform Your Teen’s Life – Contact Us.