We do not shoot our wounded, meaning if you fall, you will have someone there to catch you and welcome you back with open arms.
Thanks to the unique relationship and trust built with a recovery support services (RSS) peer, our friend Jessica can consistently get the help she needs when she needs it. Here’s what she says about this unique service.
My name is Jessica Sharon. I have been sober since 11-22-23, but this has been a long journey for me. One of the most valuable assets to my recovery is the amazing women God has placed on the way with me.
Charyle Gillie with Cenikor RSS has been an important part of my life this last year. There was a time when I was struggling and she was one of the only women I would allow in. This is because I trust her and because she makes me feel safe.
In my relapse, she kept reaching out to me. One day she saw me walking, and she stopped and spent an hour with me. I was so broken and so hopeless, and her time that day reminded me that I am loved, that people still care. It gave me so much hope.
When I did finally get sober, it was at a women’s detox center, and she came out there to visit me. We talk regularly. She even made a point in her busy day to pick me up from a job interview (I got the job, I’m employed now!).
I have called Charyle in hysterics, and she is just there. She listens. She offers sound advice without crossing boundaries. She believes in me and she shows it.
Today, I am back in sober living. I am again taking the steps and am an active part of my recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous. I saw my son for the first time in a year and a half today and he is so grateful to have a sober mom again.
This process works, and I’m so grateful to have RSS as my recovery coach.